Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Okay, I'm getting nervous about Orcs Must Die! now.

Well, that's episode 15 posted of my Orcs Must Die! play-through, and honestly that was a close shave. At this  point I literally do not know what is being thrown at me and I'm trying really hard to complete each level the first time I try it. I can't even imagine what is coming up next. Missiles? Warlocks? Dentists? Christ, who knows. I don't think my nerves can take much more.

It was fine when I was doing the first 10 levels or so and I had some idea of what I was doing, even though I probably still made a shitton of mistakes and had a couple of close scrapes, but that's nothing compared to the sheer panic I am feeling now about recording episode 16. What if I don't even get a new trap? I'm comfortable with the old traps by now, but what if there's man-eating fish in the next level and no water traps? What the fuck am I supposed to do with fish!?

I don't want you guys to start panicking. That's the last thing I want. I shouldn't have even mentioned anything. But if I have one more sleepless night it'll be the end of me. Seriously I have about 3 stomach ulcers at this point, the stress is crippling me. Maybe if I do die in episode 16, I can blame it on my shot nerves. That's no excuse though, I'm meant to be a pro gamer. You don't realise how much of a jam I'm in here.

Stress aside, I think The Tower was my favourite map so far. I sort of stumbled upon the whole ice amulet/chain crossbow headshot combo and will definitely bear that one in mind for future ogre encounters. I loved being able to use that mounted crossbow as well, and the spiked logs were just awesome (when I managed to use one somewhat effectively). I actually did complete it on my first attempt, which was a relief because I was pressed for time while recording it in the first place. Posting a video every day is hard work I tell you (first world problems eat your heart out).

That's enough for now. I've got a really good game (in my opinion) lined up for an evening with Sips which I'll hopefully post tomorrow, along with the follow-up for Kerbal Space Program and the dreaded episode 16 of Orcs Must Die! before the weekend hopefully!


  1. Why I am I so addicted to everything Sips does?!

  2. I really don't know how you Yogscast fellows put out a video every day without burning out.

    Keep it up, but I'd rather you take a break, and then come back strong, than keep trying to put out a video every day, peter out, and then burn out forever.

    On a positive note, the Orcs Must Die videos are my favorite; the game complements your personality perfectly. I'm having great fun playing the maps along with you (5 skulls on every map, thanks for being a guinea pig for me).

    Keep up the good work my friend, you are an inspiration: I may even try my own skills at video making.

  3. Love the videos, and I love this Blog. I don't know what it is about your dry sense of humor that I love so much. Very enjoyable though! Keep up the great work Sips!

  4. Sips my man, let me try and relieve some of that stress of yours.

    You're going to be getting a new type of enemy next round. It's big, it's tough, and it's made of fire. The good news? It's weak against Ice. And guess which one of us likes the Ice bracelet.

    If you guessed yourself, you're right.

    Don't let this push you away from fire abilities. Those are good for burning everything else like it's a kid at the beach who forgot to put on sunscreen EVEN THOUGH his mother told him 5 different times.

    Now, you're gonna get something new, but don't let it distract you too much! Stick to the fundamentals and you'll do just fine. Make sure you get the baddies killed ASAP, okay? If they get too far into the level it'll be hard to keep control.

    One last thing; nobody's watching your channel because they want to watch a pro gamer breeze through the game like it's nothing. They want to see YOU play the game, okay? Even if you struggle, everyone watching will be rooting for your victory. And when you win, it will be all the sweeter. And if you lose? Well, it's not the end of the world bro. Most of us are already aware of that possibility, and we know that taking a loss once in a while isn't the end of the world. Just do it again, and we'll be even happier when you clear the level.

    So take a deep breath, relax, and kick some giant green ass, okay? Because this is a tag team between you and your fans, and we'll always be there to back you up when things get hard, even if it's mostly moral support.

    I don't know if you read these comments, but if you do, I hope this helped you relax a bit. After all, it's easy to get frustrated when you go in expecting to fail.

  5. Hi everyone, hi Sips.
    Love your vids, for once it isnt all about minecraft ;). Found myself laughing alone watching an orc must die! playthrough. Wasnt expecting that in all my life.
    I think you should try to make "An evening with Sips: Dark souls". Would be awesome I think. Just saying! bye

  6. Dentists are far more of a horror than those horrible Orcs.
